Bright Minds Daycare


This fun, inspiring film for a brand campaign for Birmingham nursery Bright Minds Daycare really was child’s play!

Collaborative Campaign

Our friends Big Cat developed the creative for the wider Bright Minds: For magical futures #BeAnything campaign for daycare specialists Bright Minds. It needed to make an emotional connection with the audience and achieved this by focusing on the potential of Bright Minds’ children alongside the incredible and unique facilities that the nursery offers.

Creative Inspiration

At the centre of the campaign, our film promoted the key message – that at Bright Minds, children can be anything they want to be. We interviewed 4 children at the nursery and turned their inspiring answers into a compelling story to be shared on social media and on the Bright Minds’ website. Playful music and simple captions kept the feel childlike and the simple question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” drew out some super cute answers.

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