For me it was almost like moving house. The apprehension and excitement as launch day/moving to our new website day approached. Had we prepared everything, had we packed away our old branded stationery ready for the new shiny stuff? I’m sure most people have experienced moving house. The half hourly calls to the estate agent to see when the contracts have been exchanged or if you can collect the keys to your new home. Or in this case half hourly calls to see if the website was ready. You get to late afternoon on launch day. Everything has gone to plan, corks have been popped and then everyone’s attention turns to food! That is exactly how it went. So we’ve emerged as Method in Motion, a new brand, complete with new website, social media handles and good old fashioned business cards.
Why rebrand?
We loved the HTF Media brand. I particularly loved seeing the three camera operators of our logo wearing Christmas hats during the festive season. Matt wasn’t so keen. Matt and I started HTF Media back in 2012 when we both left the BBC. It was a huge step for us, we knew how to make the content but setting up a business was a whole new ball game.
We have worked with some amazing people along the way and continue to meet amazing people as our journey continues. Six years doesn’t seem such a long time but the digital landscape has changed considerably in that time. It was time for a name change. To a name that reflects the evolution of not only the agency, but online video content as a whole since the company’s formation back in 2012. We feel our new brand emphasises how our creative offering has developed over the years with the rise of live streaming and social media.
How did we go about it?
We closed the office! Just for a day. Got our heads together and thought about what we do, why we do it and who for. We discussed company values and ideals using client feedback to get to the core reasons why people like to work with us. It was felt that the old brand, as much as we loved it, wasn’t really reflective of the company and what we do. So, after a day of fun creating our brand identity (thank you Big Cat Agency) and a trip to Escape Live (team building) followed by food (we like food), Method in Motion was born. As Matt said “We work in a fast paced industry. It is always changing and we are continuously striving to deliver new and innovative ways for our clients to get their message out there. Whether that be via social media, event filming or live streaming. The new name and branding celebrates the creativity and expertise that we uphold as an agency.”
I feel launching our rebrand provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase just how much our offering has changed since HTF’s formation. Our industry is constantly evolving. So must we as we continue to deliver the high quality, collaborative service that clients have come to know and love.
What do you think?
We love our new brand. We love the design, the colour palette and the story. Matt even likes the font and he’s not easily pleased as far as fonts go! It might sound a little daft but we really do identify with our brand much more. We’ve been having fantastic feedback, which is great. If you haven’t already let us know your thoughts drop us a line and let us know what you think.